Sacramento Region Diversity Career Fair
September 20, 2025
The Sacramento Region Diversity Career Fair was created in 2022 to help promote diversity within the legal profession. It is the first legal career fair in Sacramento and the Central Valley of California with an online platform where law students and attorneys can submit applications. The program includes four components: an in-person career fair with tables for employers; an in-person panel program to discuss diversity in the law and issues affecting diverse law students and attorneys; an in-person reception; and an online application and resume submission. The career fair, panel program, and reception are held at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento.
The Sacramento Region Diversity Career is co-hosted by the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, the University of California, Davis School of Law, and the Federal Bar Association Sacramento Chapter. It is co-sponsored by all of the affinity bar associations in Sacramento, including the Asian/Pacific Bar Association of Sacramento (ABAS), Cruz Reynoso Bar Association, Disability Inclusivity Bar Association of Sacramento, Leonard M. Friedman Bar Association, Sacramento Filipino American Lawyers Association (SacFALA), South Asian Bar Association (SABA), SacLegal Sacramento’s LGBTQ+ Bar Association, Wiley W. Manuel Bar Association (WMBA), and Women Lawyers of Sacramento (WLS); and the Yolo Unity Bar.
September 20 Career Fair Program Schedule:
Location: University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
10:00 am – 11:00 am Panel Discussion (Lecture Hall)
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Career Fair Table Talk (Outdoor Quad)
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Reception (Outdoor Quad)
The Diversity Career Fair program is open to all law students, attorneys, and judges, and is not limited to those submitting application materials or recruiting.